Eusoh Pet Insurance

Eusoh Pet Insurance

THE BEST PET COMMUNITY COVERAGE – GIVE YOUR FURRY LOVED ONES THE BEST THEY DESERVE: THIS IS NOT REGULAR HEALTH INSURANCE, WE REPEAT! You see, regular health insurance runs on constant profits and procedure price upsurges. Eusoh pet insurance, on the other hand, cares about your pet’s well-being, making that its UTMOST priority! Never pay a dime more than the actual costs. What better way to ensure your pet’s SAFETY and CARE than with the very best pet healthcare service out there?

NEVER MAKE TOUGH CHOICES AGAIN – YOUR PET’S WELL-BEING ALWAYS COMES FIRST: With regular pet health insurance, you might have come across a time where you had to make an incredibly tough choice between opting for the best care for your pet and putting it off till you can actually pay for it! With Eusoh, you’ll never have to face such tough situations ever again. In addition, there will be no more of having to fight or argue with another insurance company again to get your pet’s procedures done.

THEY DON’T SKIM PROFITS FROM ANY ‘PREMIUM POOL’ – YOUR MONEY WOULD GO DIRECTLY TO OTHER PET PARENTS JUST LIKE YOU: The money that health insurance companies collect is put into a “premium pool” from which they can skim profits for themselves. All coverage and reimbursement for procedures are totally transparent. You will know before every kind of procedure if you will be able to get reimbursed and by how much. You’ll never get price-gouged or taken advantage of.

GET REIMBURSED FOR REGULAR VETERINARY VISITS & WELLNESS EXPENSES: With Eusoh, you’ll get reimbursed immediately for any and all pet procedures, even for just regular visits to the vet! You’ll have to pay upfront and then submit the corresponding receipt to Eusoh and you’ll be reimbursed WITHOUT DELAY! It’s understandable that you might feel iffy paying upfront but Eusoh guarantees that it ultimately cuts down procedure costs, eradicating the need for tedious amounts of paperwork.

RECEIVE THE STANDARD 80% REIMBURSEMENT FEE – NO TRICK CHARGES: If you’re concerned about profits, you should rest assured because Eusoh is always 100% TRANSPARENT with its customers! Eusoh will ask you to pay for your pet’s medical expenses upfront in cash, after which you’ll receive the STANDARD 80% reimbursement amount.

With Eusoh You’ll Never Have to Compromise on Your Pet’s Health Again!

Eusoh only earns 17$ per subscription every month. If you factor in pet sharing costs, your total monthly charges would be around 25-30$, which is much cheaper in comparison to the average 50-150$ that pet health insurance costs!

Eusoh is the best choice for your furry little loved ones!

Go ahead and subscribe to the reliable service of a lifetime!


I have a sweet little white Persian female for whom I have to get regular check-ups. She is overall a very healthy cat thank heavens for that. However, she does rarely end up getting slight fevers. I would say like every 3, maybe 4 months. Even with these minimum conditions, pet insurance has been costing me a lot for virtually no reason. That why, when I heard of a pet insurance alternative, I was immediately like, “where do I sign up right now?” Eusoh is definitely a company that genuinely cares about your pets. I think it needs to be said louder because this is the most genuine service that I have received when it comes to pet care. It always covers all of my expenses. It should be noted that you will be asked to provide proof that you’ve visited the vet on a regular basis. If you don’t, then you might have some trouble getting some of your expenses covered. Of course, that’s never an issue for me because I take my mittens to the vet RELIGIOUSLY! I am always wary of her developing any diseases so it’s always recommended to never miss regular checkups. Eusoh has been very kind to me and I surely recommend it.