Great Home Security Pointers That You Have Never Thought Of!

You might know someone who has had their house robbed in the past. House invasions are on the rise, and people must be extra diligent with house security because burglaries can happen anywhere. Therefore, use the tips in this article to increase your home’s security.

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TIP! Have your dog protect the spare key. However, this method is only effective if your dog is large, scary, and stays outdoors.

Don’t Let Strangers In:

Don’t allow anyone you don’t know to look into your house. Even if their story is compelling, they need assistance or want to sell you something. These people might want to do you harm or could be casing out your house for a future break-in.

TIP! Does your dog stay outside while you are gone? Your dog is an excellent place to hide your spare key. Simply attach the key inside their collar and make sure it can’t be seen.

Don’t open your door for strangers. There are people who are going to be convincing, but they can just be professional thieves. Instead, create a rule where you only allow those you’ve invited to your house inside.

TIP! Before selecting a security firm, ask for recommendations. You can benefit from the experience of others that have gone before you by paying attention to their recommendations and warnings.

Garage Door

TIP! Don’t allow a complete stranger to come in your home. Burglars are getting creative, and they will do anything they can in order to gain access to your home.

If your garage is attached to your home, always keep it secure. Intruders can also enter your house through an unlocked garage door. A C-clamp placed on the garage door track will stop it from opening when you don’t want it to.

TIP! Use your garage for your car, not just storage. You will not have to worry about thieves taking your car if it is inside your garage.

Be sure to keep your car in your garage rather than filling your garage with stored belongings. In this way, your car will be safer. Having the car in the garage will prevent it from getting broken into or stolen. Additionally, if your car is put away, burglars will not be able to tell whether or not you are home.

TIP! When choosing a house security firm, trust your instincts. This is particularly true if you’re uneasy with those that install your actual system.

Upgrade Your Lights & Locks:

Install lights that have motion sensors. The lights will be triggered when someone gets too close to the house. Not only will they notify you of movement, they will also deter potential burglars, as thieves want to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Don’t forget to replace the bulbs when they burn out.

TIP! A secure hiding place can be created in a wall. Hide valuables inside of your walls.

Alter the combination of the locks in your home. Perhaps your roommate left town or you have gone through a messy divorce, and you need to feel that the house is safe. Changing the locks can typically be done very cheaply and quickly.

Your first priority when you move to an apartment or house where others have lived before is to replace all the locks. Though the prior occupant may have relinquished their keys, there may be copies out there. This will help safeguard that there is no one else with your key.

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TIP! Do not hide your spare key under your doormat or in a nearby planter. Remember that you are not the only one who is aware of these sorts of hiding places.

Living in Cities VS Countryside:

If you live in a rural area, you may not be as concerned about house break-ins as people who live in the city. Some think residents of the country are even more vulnerable because there are no close neighbors. Then again, others think rural areas are not as much of a target.

TIP! When moving into a house, ensure that each lock has actually been replaced. Despite the fact that you may trust the previous homeowner, you cannot be 100% sure of their character.

You can hide things on your walls. Concealing small valuables in your walls is an easy and highly effective way to protect them. You can use the opening provided by an electrical switch plate or other devices that is not being used. You put in a fake plate if there aren’t any unused in your home.

TIP! Were you aware of how valuable your house wires are? People often don’t think about this until they have it stolen from their home. The copper in the wiring is valuable and can be stripped off of the outside of the house in a relevantly short period of time.

TIP! Replace rotted wood around any door frames. Rotten wood can be removed in order to get inside your home.

Identify Company Representatives:

When allowing a representative from any security company to enter your home, look for someone in uniform and ask to see identification. It is easy for potential thieves to present themselves as representatives of a company in order to gain access to your home. This can lead to harm befalling your family and possessions. Be careful if you want to avoid danger.

TIP! Flashlights in your house should always have newer batteries if your power goes out. Flashlights are important for letting you navigate your house in the dark.

Bottom Line:

Do not think that expensive homes are the only targets for burglars. Easy access to the house is what most criminals look for. If you follow the tips in this article and ramp up the security of your house, you can protect your house and family better from unwanted intruders.

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TIP! Before you let security company representatives into your home, check their ID. Intruders can easy pass themselves off as an employee of a security company just to get inside your house.