Give Your Doors The Best Security With Armor Concepts

Doors are the very first things that ensure the security of your house. But, several times, you may have seen the broken doors of houses and offices. This happens because normal doors can’t stand against the significant force that a thief or intruder applies.  As a result, burglars or thieves easily break them and get access to your property.

Many of us are already aware of these facts and wonder what to do? Here is how to stay safe and secure your house.

Give your doors an extra bit of security to ensure a solid door. You need a type of door that is near to impossible for breakage. 

armor concepts

Use door armor to increase the door strength

Armor concepts provide best door armors that make your doors super secure and impossible to break. 

Armor concept provides door security devices/equipment to apply to your existing doors and increase strength. Your doors are easily breakable, and it takes 10 seconds for an intruder to break your front door. According to police, about 85% of thieves enter through doors, be it open or closed. It is not difficult for cunning intruders to break any door in case you don’t have any significant security arrangements at your door. They use simple tools to pick locks and break it. To avoid that happening, Armor concepts provide you perfect solutions and a way to outsmart these lurking thieves.

Armor concept installs door security devices on your doors. Its door security equipment includes Jamb shields, hinge shields, and door locks. All of this helps to make doors more strong. They increase door’s resistance against any external force. 

The door armor by Armor Concept has been designed to secure weak points of a door. These weak points are actually the gaps. These gaps or spaces between door and door frame do not offer any resistance whenever someone applies force to your door for breaking it. When you apply the install jamb hinges, it gives strength to the jambs to stand against any force.

Deadbolts are also easily breakable with not very significant force. Door shields strengthen the deadbolts and doorknob area. Armor concept offers hinge shields to install on existing hinges, which ensure more strength to hinges against any force.

Why armor concepts door armor are essential?

After installing security cameras and alarms, you may think that you have to secure your house. But, are these alarms able to stop the intruder? Certainly not. They can only raise an alert, but in the meantime, an intruder can pick up any important thing from your house and run away. You can not always undo such damages. 

Therefore, Armor concepts door armor ensures that no intruder breaks into your property. This will give you peace of mind.

Door armor targets and covers those weak points in your doors that are easy to exploit. You are at the mercy of intruders if you don’t secure them. However, it is better to cover every weak point in your doors and ensure foolproof security. An extra layer of protection can save yourself from any kind of loss. 

What makes armor concept door armor reliable?

With over 250,000 doors are being secured with armor concept door armor so you can always count on Armor concepts door armor. 

For security assurance, Police have also tested Armor concepts door armor. It is strongly recommended as a perfect security measure for the doors. Armor concepts door armor is available for all kinds of doors including exterior or interior one. You can easily install them on your exterior, interior, and sliding doors. 

There is no ongoing subscription fee with Armor concepts door armor. So, you just need to make a one-time expense.  Armor concept is undoubtedly reliable and cost-effective and offers the best security solutions for every house.

Upgrade the security of doors for a secure house and get peace of mind today.

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