How Is Vivint Sky Making Your Home Smarter?

A secure home is your priority when you leave for work. But Vivint sky offers more than that. No matter wherever you are, the Vivint sky app is there to perform functions. You can control it as if you are in the home. Here is how it is making life easier, and your home smarter than ever.

vivint sky

Perform certain Functions:

Through Vivint Sky, you can perform certain functions. You can directly control the equipment installed in your home. For example, you can turn on or off the lamps, lock the doors, adjust the temperature at the thermostat, and watch the videos of your home. All these functions can be performed remotely.

Assign Tasks to Vivint Sky App:

You do not have to be too careful always because certain functions can be assigned to it. You can set the time for locking the front door at a particular time when it gets dark. To wake up early in the morning, Vivint Sky can switch on lamps for you. Vivint sky helps in humanizing your home in your absence.

Monitoring made Easy:

By using Vivint Sky, you can make sure that your home and family are secure. Just log into the app and watch the home. All the cameras are accessible from this app. You can see who entered the house and what is going on in there.

Customize notifications:

Whatever is happening in your home, you will get a notification. For example, motion sensors detected some unusual movements, or the CO detectors have sensed dangerous gas elements; you will be notified on the go. However, you can customize these notifications i.e., where to receive those notifications. You can set them at mail if you are connected with the internet. Otherwise, you can receive notifications on text messages.

Adapts your behavior:

To err is to human but Vivint Sky is there to correct it. There are chances that you can forget to lock your door when you left for work. You may not have noticed, but Vivint sky was seeing. It learns from your behavior. When you turn on lamps or unlock the doors at a particular time, it is always recording your actions. This brilliant technology adapts your behavior and will lock the door if left opened. Install one and bring your replica.

Control all the appliances:

Vivint not only controls the cameras, sensors, and thermostats rather, it has access to small appliances of your home too. The backlog at the office can be a burden on your mind. Anxious you left the iron switched on and in-office, a flashback made you realize your mistake. But there is nothing to worry about. You control your home via Vivint sky. Log into Vivint Sky App and switch it off.


The latest technologies are adding ease into a busy human life. When it comes to your home, Vivint Sky stands on top of these amazing technologies. Do not worry about anything until you have it.




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