Making A Home Security Plan That Suits Your Needs

Knowing how to keep your house safe is best done with a good understanding of the options open to you. Decisions in this area are too important to be taken lightly. Therefore, try focusing on how to boost the safety of your house for your family.

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TIP! Your house should always look like it is occupied.  For this purpose, buy timers so that lights, radios, TVs and all other electronics turn on and off at various times.

If there are folks you don’t know or trust in your social network online, don’t let them know you are going away. You may be very excited about your impending vacation, but there is no need to let potential burglars know when you will be gone.

TIP! Once you buy a house, switch out the locks. Moreover, you will want to have a unique combination to stay secure.

Solicit word of mouth recommendations from friends, colleagues and family members to find a great house security company or system. Your friends have gone through both bad and good experiences and they will be able to share them with you. Making a great choice is important, so this advice will come in handy.

TIP! There are more features to a house alarm system besides making sounds when people break in. Furthermore, most of them can be programmed to alert you to anyone entering your home.

Extended Period

TIP! Hide your spare key in a place where no one would think to look for it because intruders will more than likely check under your doormat or above your door frame.

If you’re going on a trip for an extended period of time, switch the ringer off on all house phones. Obviously, when burglars hear phones ringing for an extended period of time in a home, they know that there is no one there to answer.

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TIP! Make sure to clear your yard of brush and dead wood in the summertime because these can quickly become fire hazards when hit by direct sunlight, placing your house at risk.

Never let a stranger inside. Even if their story is compelling, they need assistance or want to sell you something. This person might just be casing the joint to see if there is house security equipment.

TIP! It doesn’t matter how much money you spent, you should have an annual test. Ask a qualified worker who specializes in security systems to take a look.

Local Police

TIP! Do not be reluctant to meet your neighbors. Converse with those living in your area.

See what the local police offer when it comes to house protection programs. There are plenty of things that can be done, from a safety walk to cataloging expensive items to help protect your investment and your family. Talk with local police to see if they offer these programs.

TIP! Changing your locks first can help make your house much more secure. It might be that you have an angry ex-roommate or a bitter ex-partner, so changed locks will boost your security.

Be sure to keep your car in your garage rather than filling your garage with stored belongings. In this way, your car will be safer. Keeping your car in your house will deter intruders from vandalizing or stealing it. Hiding it will help to deter people from tracking the times you aren’t there.

TIP! If you do not reside in a big city, you may not worry as much about house burglaries. Some people feel that rural residents lead riskier lives because they are far away from neighbors.

Get in the habit of checking your security system regularly. Call the company and have them send someone to check it out. There are lots of things that can reduce the quality of your system. You might not even discover these problems if they aren’t easily sighted.

TIP! The walls are a perfect hiding place. Small items of value can be hidden for safety in your home’s walls.

Motion-Sensor Lights

Motion-sensor lights can alert you of a robbery before it even happens. They will illuminate your property if they sense any movement near your home. You will be alerted to movement, but most importantly, it will deter burglars or at least make you aware of their presence. However, make sure to put in fresh bulbs every now and then.

TIP! Be certain the wires to your house security system are neither visible nor accessible. You do not want the wires exposed for easy manipulation.

If you live in a rural area, you may not be as concerned about house break-ins as people who live in the city. Others think that living in the country is more risky than other areas because houses are so far apart. However, understand that regardless of where you live, a theft can occur anywhere. Therefore, you need to be prepared.

TIP! Are you aware of the value present in the wiring in your home? lots of people have their wires stripped each year. It does not take much time to strip off the expensive copper wires from the exterior of your house.


When securing your home, don’t forget about skylights. Skylights are nice to bring extra light into your house, but they are also easy ways for burglars to enter your home. Your skylights should have strong components that can withstand tampering.

TIP! Don’t limit security to the inside of your home; the outside needs attention too. Windows should be free from obstructions like trees, shrubs and fencing.

Don’t put your spare keys under floor mats or plants. Instead of letting you into your house in the event you are locked out, you are providing criminals with easy access to your home. Any thief knows all the typical hiding spots. Rather, give the key to a neighbor to hold.

TIP! Your home’s exterior needs to be well lit because burglars love to operate in the dark.

This article has actually shown you the light. There is no need to venture into house security matters blindly. You want to be sure that you’re putting your family’s safety in its prioritized spot. Therefore, be sure and remember what you have learned here.

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TIP! There are wireless systems available for house security, as another option. Despite the fact that wired systems are usually more affordable, they usually involve changing out the wires of your home.